Find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Knect. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, visit our contact us page to get in touch

Has the formula changed now that it is called Knect?

Knect is the exact same gentle, water-based formula, as it always has been.

How does Knect work?

Knect is a water-based lubricant which helps to enhance your sexual experience. By complimenting personal moisture Knect helps to provide that extra level of comfort during intimate moments.

How do I apply Knect and how much do I need?

Everyone's body is slightly different - so we recommend that you use as much Knect as you need for enhanced comfort. Apply directly from the tube to the skin or condom, and always replace the cap after each use.

If a woman needs Knect, does that mean she's not turned on?

No, not at all. It's completely normal to need a little help when it comes to lubrication and there are many factors that can affect your body - for example, hormones, stress, the menopause, breastfeeding, medication etc. There's nothing to feel ashamed about if you need to use a lubricant during intimate moments. And as a water-based lubricant, Knect will be the most similar to your body's natural moisture.

Can I use Knect with condoms?

Knect is compatible with latex and polyisoprene condoms.

Where on the body is it safe to use Knect?

As Knect is a gentle water-based formulation it is suitable for use anywhere on the skin and in intimate areas. However avoid use on inflamed or broken skin and if irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a doctor.

Is Knect safe to use on sensitive skin?

Knect is free of perfumes or fragrances, gentle enough for everyday use and is specially designed to be non-irritating.

Does Knect contain parabens?

No, Knect does not contain parabens.

Will Knect prevent me from getting pregnant?

Knect is not a contraceptive and therefore safe sex should always be practised. Our water-based lube is here to help reconnect you with your partner, enhancing those intimate moments.

Does Knect contain spermicide?

Knect does not contain spermicide and will not prevent pregnancies.

Is Knect safe to use during pregnancy?

Using Knect during pregnancy and breastfeeding is unlikely to have any adverse effects when used as directed. If unsure, please talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Will Knect prevent me from getting STDs?

Knect will not protect you from getting or transferring sexually transmitted diseases. Using a condom is the best way to avoid catching an STD. At Knect, we always recommend practising safe sex.

Will Knect stain my bed sheets?

No, Knect is a water-based lubricant, it should not cause any stains on your sheets.

How long does Knect last once it has been opened?

Knect should be used within 12 months of opening. Do not store above 25°C. Keep in the original carton. Keep out of sight and reach of children. Do not use after expiry date on carton flap. Use within 12 months of opening. Dispose of used packaging safely.

Where can I buy Knect?

Knect is stocked in Boots, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Waitrose, Asda, Amazon, Lovehoney, Lloyds Pharmacy and Independent Pharmacies. You can visit these stockists directly from our Where to Buy page.

Can I use Knect while I am pregnant?

Yes. Knect is a paraben-free, gentle formulation that is suitable for everyday use. Knect lubricant is safe to use during pregnancy although if you’re unsure, we’d always recommend speaking with your midwife or GP before using any product while pregnant.

How long should I wait after giving birth before I can have sex?

In general, health professionals recommend a minimum of four to six weeks after giving birth before having sex. However, after becoming parents, there’s no ‘set time’ that you should wait before returning to sexual activity - go with what feels right for the two of you. It’s completely normal to deprioritise sex and intimacy - take your time, be honest with each other, things will get back to normal when you’re both ready.

How will the menopause affect my sex life?

As women age, there is a natural drop in levels of oestrogen and testosterone - the key hormones responsible for natural vaginal lubrication and sex drive. However, this doesn’t mean your sex life will come to a halt after menopause - read our menopause guide here to find out more.

Is it normal to experience vaginal dryness after the menopause?

Absolutely. Vaginal dryness is extremely common for people who are currently going through the menopause, and affects over half of post-menopausal women aged between 51-60. To learn exactly why this is, and about other changes you may experience, visit our menopause guide here.

Is it normal for my sex drive to drop from time to time?

Yes! There are so many factors that can affect your sex drive: stress, hormones, breastfeeding, medication, fatigue - and many more. There’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about if this happens to you or your partner. It’s completely normal to experience highs and lows in your libido. We’d always recommend opening up with your partner if you’re experiencing a lower-than-usual sex drive, or even a medical professional if you’d like to speak confidentially. The key is to be honest about what you’re going through, and not bottle up how you’re feeling. 

Is it normal to experience vaginal dryness even when I’m aroused?

If you feel turned on but are still experiencing vaginal dryness, your body may need a little time to catch up with your brain! Vaginal dryness can also be experienced after you’ve had a baby, if you’re going through the menopause or even with natural changes in hormones that your body goes through every month. If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness alongside a lack of sexual desire, you may be experiencing low libido which can be caused by a variety of factors - including stress, medication, health conditions. If you’re concerned about frequent vaginal dryness, please speak to a healthcare professional. 

How do I tell my partner I’d like to introduce lubricant into our relationship?

No matter the reason, the key here is to be honest and open about why you’re interested in using lubricant together. Introducing a lubricant into your relationship shouldn’t be a big deal; water-based lubricants like Knect are actually specifically designed to enhance your intimate moments - so your partner will likely thank you for it!

My partner and I have stopped having sex - what should I do?

Talk to each other. Each couple has a different benchmark of ‘normal’ for how frequently they have sex. If you’ve noticed that intimate moments with your partner have decreased recently, ask yourself first why this may be. Have your sex drives dropped? Have you recently had a baby? Are either of you having a stressful time at work? Whatever the reason might be, it’s important to keep that flow of communication open - this way you’ll stay emotionally connected even if your levels of physical intimacy have temporarily dipped.

Is it normal for stress to affect my sex drive?

Absolutely - stress can have a direct impact on your libido. If you’re currently going through a stressful point in your life and have other things on your mind, it’s incredibly common for this to affect your sex drive - and your natural lubrication if you’re a woman. It’s important not to put pressure on yourself, as this will only fuel the stress cycle. Instead, try and take some time to yourself to unwind and try not to worry - your sex drive will certainly return in time.